Challenge: A pen that writes in chocolate? From now on, this is all we’ll use at the office. This magical and delicious kid’s toy dispenses liquid chocolate that hardens at room temperature, allowing you to draw shapes and eat your words. When they came to us for audio branding, they were looking for a fun pop sound with catchy lyrics for a television spot.
Solution: Channeling our inner Katy Perry pop diva selves, we composed custom music and lyrics that would appeal to a younger, female demographic. We kept the lyrics simple and repetitive, driving home the message that drawing things can be chocolatey fun. The custom music we developed was super upbeat and happy with a girl-pop vibe.
Push Button Productions is here for all your audio creatives.

Chocolate Pen
Push Button Productions
For information about Push Button Production’s Commercial Jingle, Radio Ads, or Audio Production services, fill out a form on our contact page or you can call us toll-free at 888-494-PUSH (7874) and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Thanks!