You might think we are picking out vegetables but in reality this is the process we undergo with voice talents daily. When dealing with them, you have to know what you want, how to get it, and how to do it without sending them over the deep end. As a voice over talent, a client can actually fill your head with 15 different instructions which can be detrimental to the end result. By laying down some simple, ordinary instructions for your talent, you can usually end up with exactly what you want, without having to go through the usual 5 or so post production changes.
It helps to think about the way you want your target market to feel. Kind of like enjoying a hot, juicy sub. “I want them to feel fulfilled,” or “I want them to feel like they could conquer the world,” or “I want them to come enjoy a hot, juicy sub,” are all valid statements when describing how the read should sound. When you ask us for specifics on how you want your VO talent to sound, we know exactly what to tell them so we receive the end result exactly how you want it on the first try. Being voice-over talent ourselves, we can communicate to them from a level of understanding better than most producers who usually don’t take the time to see it from the other perspective. So, give us your most impossible specs, we think you’ll be impressed!