
Meet the Push Button Productions Staff

Push Button Blog

Hi. We’re Push Button Productions and this is a list of the people who work here. VIP meet and greet tickets available for a limited time only.

push button productions Jon


Push Button Productions OG, master sound mixer, witty one liner extraordinaire, thinks craft beer is a scam, really likes jingles, classic car aficionado, dad of 3 (Hailey, Queen of the Universe and future world dictator, counts as 2 children)

Can be Found: changing his clothes after accidentally matching Yeosh again

push button productions yeosh


Push Button Productions OG, always on the phone, wrote for the school newspaper, his mom bakes the best banana bread, went to the Pizza Hut buffet for his birthday, judges millennials but secretly is one

Can be Found: getting his loyalty card stamped at Verona’s Pizza

push button productions brianna


Brilliant scriptwriter for Push Button Productions 1/3 of the time, bad at fractions, always orders what’s on the chalkboard, Carrot Top said she was pretty, wrote this list, will take anything that’s free

Can be Found: taking a Buzzfeed quiz on what type of bread she is (FYI, it’s a croissant)


Push Button Production’s social media guru, scores thrifty vintage threads, conspiracy theorist, latest slang informant, signs up for restaurant birthday coupons on days that aren’t her birthday

Can be Found: discovering ancient alien remains and unveiling the illuminati

Intern of the Semester

An unsuspecting victim of Push Button Productions every spring/summer/fall that typically has no idea what’s going on, tries their best, drinks venti mocha coconutmilk macchiatos, writes twitter posts

Can be found: googling “difference between audio logo and jingle”


Makes guest appearances in the Push Button soundbooth when we need to chant something as a group for a spot, gets beard hair in the sink, packs his lunch, receives far too many packages in the mail

Can be Found: outside taking a smoke break