Challenge: Science class sure has come a long way since we played with chemistry sets and dissected frogs. And now that Pluto is not a planet anymore, anything is possible! The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) is helping prepare the next generation for exciting careers in STEM fields. They teamed up with PGA of America and Cobra Puma Golf to reach out to kids interested in sports, and show them how cool math and science careers can be. Our task was to develop the audio and sound design in this video aimed at attracting donors for their ambitious project. The goal is to get kids and teens interested in becoming the next generation of engineers, astronauts, and chemists. If we fail, the future may be pretty bleak. No pressure!
Solution: Houston, we have a problem. How do we make the mission of promoting math and science to the next generation something worthy of writing a check for? Well, a partnership with NASA sure helps! Also, our friends at TwoDoorFX did an amazing job with the video. Finally, it was up to us to amp up the audio. This fully sound-designed production features densely layered effects and amazingly talented young voice actors. Subtle cues bring out a cool tech vibe and the right music choices made for an out-of-this-world final production. By the end of it, even we were re-thinking our career choices!
Push Button Productions
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