
Foreign Language Advertising: A Market Too Big to Ignore

There’s 41 million American consumers that may
never hear your ads. Sounds like something you want to change? If you’re only
producing your ads in English, the 41 million native Spanish speakers (not
including the 11 million bilingual speakers) across the United States won’t hear
them as you intend for them to be heard.

The Spanish-speaking population in the US is huge. I’ll put its size in perspective
for you: the United States is home to more Spanish speakers than Spain. Today, we’re second in size only
to Mexico, but that’s set to change as the spanish-speaking market expands to
an estimated 138 million by 2050.

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Choosing the Right Genre for Your Radio Jingle

The thought of radio jingles may conjure up a very specific sound in your brain – a dated, peppy, “I’d like to give the world a Coke” sound from yesteryear. If that’s the case, I have some great news for you: your radio jingle doesn’t have to sound anything like that in 2018. You’ve got a million options, so what should your modern jingle sound like? Picking the best music genre for your radio jingle is a hugely important process, and here’s what you need to know to get the best end product.

Producers of television commercials know that hours of thought and research go into deciding each visual detail, from the social connotations tied to the outfits of the actors to the color psychology of the background imagery.

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