Political Voice Over
You have 30 seconds to convince someone to trust you and vote for you. Aaaaand go! Harder than you thought, right? Political campaigns are serious business and there is a high-level responsibility to craft a compelling script that incorporates the candidate’s main issues, the solutions that the candidate brings to the table, and all in a confident and sincere manner. At Push Button Productions, we have the expertise in radio that you need to set your political campaign apart from the competition.
We start out by assessing your target audience. Who are you trying to speak to in your ad? There may be multiple groups, but we have found that it’s best to craft a campaign designed specifically for one target audience – in the 21st century, everyone expects a personalized approach.
Once we know who we are communicating with, we identify the top issues this group of people is concerned with most, and how the solutions you bring to the table clearly address these issues. What is more effective than empathy? By creating a political radio ad that speaks to a prospective voter’s struggles and concerns, we can clearly tell them how you are fixing them.
We use natural but compelling voices that take your message to the masses in a confident and convincing way. At Push Button Productions, we go the extra mile to separate your campaign from the mundane and convey why you deserve the listeners’ votes.
Why Choose Us?
We specialize in crafting creative ads that compel listeners to make decisions. Just as you have hundreds of choices per day to decide between which grocery store or restaurant to attend, a political campaign is ultimately similar – you want listeners to choose your brand over your competition’s. Anyone can speak and create a political voiceover, but our experience in all facets of the radio industry will set your ad apart from the rest. We understand how to combine the logic of decision making with an emotional connection to foster trust, loyalty, and ultimately—a vote for you.
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Political Ad Samples