You’re setting up your brand’s killer summer campaign. You’ve booked TV spots, outdoor space, and created digital video content that you’re sure will go viral – you think you’ve covered all your bases. But are you missing a gold mine right in front of you? Have you neglected the medium that reaches more Americans than television and smartphones? Have you – gasp! – left radio advertising out of your campaign?
We’re only a little offended, but don’t worry, we can help you see the light.
Radio Advertising
Radio advertising has been around for nearly a century now, but a few things have changed since 1922. The first ever radio advertiser, Hawthorne Court Apartments in NYC, paid $50 for a ten minute spot. Yep, you read that right – we’re not talking in seconds here. The spokesperson for Hawthorne Court Apartments spoke on the joys of living in an apartment in New York City before the invention of residential air conditioning for a whole ten minutes. Though things have changed, radio advertising is still a hot commodity for advertisers looking to get the most for their money.
On average, brands see a 6x sales ROI when they broadcast their message over the airwaves. If you’re the results-driven, sales-savvy business shark that we know you are, radio advertising is the way to go with such a huge return on your investment.
Just how does radio advertising get such an awesome return? It’s because radio reaches a LOT of people. Like, a lot. As in, 93% of Americans listen to radio every week. When you’re reaching more people than TV and smartphones (which 89% and 83% of us use weekly, respectively), you’re going to see some pretty sizeable results.
Reach a Wide Range of Demographics
It’s also a great way to reach across demographics. People young and old (yes, even those gosh darn millennials) are tuning in. 92% of millennials are weekly radio consumers, which, when combined with the 95% of Gen X-ers and 94% of Boomers who listen weekly, makes traditional AM/FM radio advertising a great choice for the campaign that needs to be heard by everyone.
Don’t miss out on reaching 93% of your audience’s ears. Even after 100 years, radio advertising belongs in your next big campaign.